Staying at Shimmie Horn’s Hotel Belleclaire on West 77th Street between Broadway and West End Avenue? If so, and you are in the mood to visit one of New York’s most talked about food emporiums, then you should head on over to Zabar’s at West 80th Street and Broadway, only three short blocks from the Belleclaire.
A visit to Zabar’s is like a visit to New York, it can’t be described, only experienced.

Zabar’s was founded in 1934 by Louis and Lillian Zabar when they rented space in the Daitch Market to sell “appetizing,” (smoked fish, etc.) As the Zabar reputation grew, so did their customer base, until the Zabars took over the entire Daitch Market, and Zabar’s was born.
The store continued to expand, buying

shops adjacent as they became available, while always run as a family enterprise. Today the store encompasses over 20,000 square feet of retail space (almost an entire city block) and employs 250 people to run the exciting market called Zabar’s. The family is still active in the store; there is always at least one Zabar on the premises.
According to Zabar’s, they sell more than 8,000 pounds of coffee each week, and have over 35,000 customers visit, each and every week.
They are open 365 days a year 8am to 7:30pm during the week, 8am to 8pm on Saturday, and 9am to 6pm on Sunday. Call 212-787-2000 for more information.