
March of Dimes Relocates

Until now, the annual March of Dimes has taken place on Staten Island.  This year however, for the first time it will be in Manhattan, in conjunction with their event on Sunday, April 29.

While Staten Island has traditionally been known as one of the region’s “signature fundraising events,” attracting thousands of walkers and raising millions of dollars, it is now going to join the other New York boroughs and (be the last to) join the Manhattan one.

This will mean that the walk will be a five-borough one. A March of Dimes Greater NY Market statement said that this will result in the “mobiliz[ation of] thousands of people from across the metropolitan area.” And as Senior Development even Manager Eileen Hochberg said:

By bringing together local communities, we know we can solve the toughest problems. Evert March for Babies participant is a leader who has the power to make a huge difference for families.

Registration available here.