The fact that businesses are eager to reopen is understandable. The fact that the clientele is returning is a sign that New Yorkers are equally eager to resume some sense of normalcy.
Since March, eateries have only been allowed to offer takeout and delivery services. Now, as the city is poised to gradually reopen, some business owners have taken matters into their own hands. Throughout New York City, restaurants and bars have taken over the now nearly empty sidewalks. Recently proposed legislation will have the city identify sidewalks, streets, and plazas for table service so restaurants can meet capacity and social distancing regulations. The process of acquiring permits for these spaces will be streamlined.

Already, some restaurant owners are allowing diners to linger for an extra round or two and serving food through doors and windows. In the city’s hippest areas, patrons are congregating outside bars- with no seating- being served by masked bartenders passing drinks out the door.
Clothing stores have also taken to the outdoors, setting up racks outside. Touchless browsing is now the standard for shoppers; masks (and in some cases gloves) will be required in most indoor shops.