New York City and Nike have signed a new partnership allowing the sportswear giant to use more than 30 NYC trademarks (including the NYPD Bomb Squad seal, Department of Transportation crest, or FDNY insignia) on its apparel.

The deal is an economic tourism win: Nike will pay NYC & Company, the city’s marketing and tourism outfit, royalties of 5 percent of the net sales from these emblazoned items each year. Revenue will be used to support the cost of the city’s licensing program.
NYC’s deal with Nike advances a set of ethical standards, including a ban on forced and child labor and a requirement that municipal vendors “treat employees with respect and dignity,” that the company must adhere to. Nike is also compelled to disclose where its city-branded products will be made; vendors will sign an ethical standards form when contracting with a new factory.
Tourists and NYC fans can look forward to finding Nike/NYC items as early as spring 2020.