It’s not that long until New Year’s. The time has thus come to start planning for the festive occasion. For those who happen to be fortunate enough to be in New York City – perhaps in the center by the Theater District at Shimmie Horn’s Iroquois Hotel, or the Bryant Park Hotel – the place to be when the clock strikes midnight is with a great view of the Times Square Ball dropping.
The entire area will seem like an outdoors party. Starting at 42nd Street and spreading all the way down to Central Park, those who want to enjoy Times Square on New Year’s Eve will be able to participate in a cool party. Enjoy the city’s lights while watching – live – the infamous drop of the New York City Times Square Waterford Crystal Ball!
For a particularly spectacular view, Sentry Center is where one needs to be. It towers over 20 stories above all the partygoers, giving one an outstanding view of this infamous event. Not only will one be privy to the ball dropping, they will also be able to see the tremendous crowds of people outside enjoying their experience watching the city move into 2013.