The temperature in New York is slowly rising and the sun is shining more as the days are getting longer. Despite all the corona-chaos, which has slowed the dizzying pace of New York City, Spring is most definitely in the air. The grasses are green, the flowers are blooming, and now we have the opportunity to enjoy it. Here are a few tips for having a safe New York City picnic this spring.

Location, Location, Location
Pick a spot that is not heavily visited and far from foot trafficked paths. Central Park has a lot of different areas and spaces. A full list of picnic parks is available here, but make sure to check each website to determine opening hours. Also consider putting your blanket down in a neighborhood park. If you are still not ready to venture outside, you can have a virtual picnic with friends by pulling up some an outdoor environment, like an aquarium webcam or a video tour of a national park and playing some nature sounds.
Time it Right
Everyone is looking to get outdoors after weeks of being cloistered at home. To avoid crowds, schedule an early morning breakfast picnic, or an after-dinner picnic party for dessert.
Be Selfish
Like all good potluck meals, picnics are fun because of the sharing. But now, more than ever, double-dipping and communal bowls should be avoided. Build a menu that focuses on individual servings. Pre-pack finger foods for each picnicker; slice and wrap any baked goods before heading out.

Plan to Play
Nobody should be touching public park equipment during this time; balls and frisbees pass through too many hands to be safe. That is why it is important to plan some entertainment for the kids. Apps like Heads Up!, a guessing game, and Midpoint, a word-association game offer fun activities for all ages. You can also go with classics like charades or I Spy.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The corona lockdown has been very good for the environment, reducing pollution and hazardous toxins. Do your part to keep that momentum going. If at all possible, consider using real dishes and cutlery. If you must go with disposable, opt for biodegradable products instead of plastics. Obviously, clear all waste to a garbage can and make sure you leave your picnic site clean for future visitors.